Event Review

Smarter World Tour: IoT Truck visits the Fraunhofer IZM

On June 15th, 2016, the Bavarian EBV Elektronik, a long-standing partner of the Fraunhofer Society, brought the “IoT Truck” of the Dutch producer of semiconductors NXP to the Fraun-hofer IZM in Berlin. The eye-capturing truck – futuristic inside and out – showcased more than 150 IoT solutions for smart homes, smart living, smart cities, and many other areas of application. The “Discovery Workshop” hosted on the Fraunhofer IZM premises on the same day was given over to all things Internet of Things: A stimulating range of lectures and presentations by speakers from the Fraunhofer IZM, EBV Elektronik, NXP, and other elec-tronics enterprises gave the 70 invited guests a chance to get up to date with current trends in the IoT. The breaks in between presentations saw the guests as well as many other at-tendees, students, Fraunhofer employees, and chance visitors, returning to the truck for an up-close-and-personal experience of the many IoT applications in practice.