Since 1993 Fraunhofer IZM has been one of the world’s leading institutes for applied research and the development and system integration of robust and reliable electronics.

For over 30 years, more than 450 employees have been finding technological solutions in cooperation with partners from industry and academia. Emerging challenges are addressed in branches such as automotive and industrial electronics, medical engineering, ICT and semiconductor technology.

The advantages of working hand-in-hand with Fraunhofer IZM include:

  • Industry-compatible high-tech equipment
  • Flexible cooperation models
  • Peace-of-mind thanks to IP protection
  • International, strategic networks with universities, research institutes and private enterprise in Germany and abroad.



News | July 5, 2024

Soitec kicks off European project to develop future high-frequency semiconductors

A European research and industry consortium led by Soitec, has begun work to develop a future generation of high-frequency semiconductors based on Indium Phosphide (InP).  


News | June 27, 2024

The revolutionary role of bioelectronics in future human medicine

Hand prostheses that restore tactile sensitivity to amputees. Sensors capable of detecting diseases prior to outbreaks. These applications could soon become part of conventional treatment thanks to microchips implanted in the body.


News | June 12, 2024

EV Group and Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID expand partnership in Wafer Bonding for Quantum Computing applications

ST. FLORIAN, Austria and MORITZBURG, Germany Strategic partnership kicks off with installation of EVG850 automated laser debonding system at the newly launched Center for Advanced CMOS and Heterointegration Saxony (CEASAX)


News | June 11, 2024

Circular WLAN routers with sustainable aluminum bodies

WLAN routers made from aluminum, equipped with a versatile multifunctional surface, and made according to the newest EU ecodesign standards: That is the objective of a German-Polish consortium of research and industry partners.


News | June 6, 2024

Smart packaging for an on-board charger that is small in size, but big on performance

On-board chargers are the great equalizers for electric vehicle charging - and can be a game-changer for the future of e-mobility. Fraunhofer IZM has managed to bring together some of the most innovative ideas in power electronics to pave the way for a new generation of on-board chargers.


News | May 8, 2024

Rapidus and Fraunhofer IZM join Forces for High-End Performance Packaging

Rapidus Corporation, Japan‘s high-end microelectronics manufacturer founded in 2022, and Fraunhofer IZM, a world-leading research institute for advanced microelectronic packaging, join forces for advanced packaging solutions for 2nm node high performance computing modules.


News | April 29, 2024

French Ambassador François Delattre at Fraunhofer IZM

Germany and France are moving closer together. Close cooperation at the research level has already existed for years and is now being intensified, for example in the field of microelectronics for electromobility, integrated sensor technology and the protection of critical infrastructure.



Conference | September 11 - 13, 2024

IEEE ESTC 2024 comes to Berlin!

The 10th IEEE Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference will be taking place in Berlin from September 11-13, 2024. IEEE ESTC is the premier international event in the field of electronics packaging and system integration, including their application in industry.


Green ICT online seminar | October 10, 2024

»From CMOS Fabrication to Advanced Packaging – Ecological Aspects«

The online seminar focuses on providing knowledge about the environmental footprint of IC production, including the front-end, WLSI and packaging processes.


Conference | October 16 - 17, 2024

Green ICT Connect 2024

High-ranking representatives will meet for the second time at »Green ICT Connect 2024« to initiate an exchange on resource conservation in ICT between science, industry, and politics. Exciting information on research activities and scientific and industry cooperation on sustainability in ICT will be discussed.


Berlin Center for Digital Transformation

The Berlin Center for Digital Tansformation is a cooperation of the four Berlin Fraunhofer-Institutes FOKUS, HHI, IPK and IZM.

The focus activities are technologies and solutions that take into account the increasing digitalization and networking of all spheres of life.


High Performance Center »Functional Integration in Micro- and Nanoelectronics«

Functional Integration in Micro- and Nanoelectronics in Dresden und Chemnitz


Research Fab Microelectronics Germany

To reinforce the position of Europe’s semiconductor and electronics industry beside global competition, eleven institutes within the Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics have, together with the IHP GmbH - Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, come up with a concept for a cross-location research factory for microelectronics and nanoelectronics.



Fraunhofer IZM annual report & Brochure

Crossing Frontiers in Microelectronics


Berlin - Headquarters

Fraunhofer IZM Berlin

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
Gebäude 17/3
13355 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 4 64 03-1 00
Fax: +49 30 4 64 03-1 11


Dresden - Branch of the institute

Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID

Ringstraße 12
01468 Dresden-Moritzburg

Telefon: +49 351 795572-12
Fax: +49 30 4 64 03-1 11


Cottbus - Branch Lab

Fraunhofer IZM Branch Lab Cottbus

Karl-Marx-Straße 69
03044 Cottbus
Phone: +49 355 383 770-12