Prof. Bernd Michel received the IZM Special Award 2009

Prof. Bernd Michel today, on the occasion of his 60th birthday, received the IZM Special Award 2009 for his outstanding scientific achievement in the field of thermomechanical reliability of micro- and nanoelectronics. His contribution to component and technology reliability in micro- and nanoelectronics put him in a class of his own.
His research results prevent expensive recalls of vehicles, ensure that mobiles can take a fall now and again and make lifecycle prognoses of tiny electronic assemblies possible. Under his leadership reliability was established as a significant component of assembly and interconnection technologies for electronic systems. His research focus is on the development of methods for determining the thermomechanical reliability of microcomponents, analyzing the micromechanical behavior of materials and structures by means of simulation and testing, as well as developing new tools for micro- and nano-deformation analysis (microDAC, nanoDAC).
About Prof. Bernd Michel:
Prof. Bernd Michel is Head of the Micro Materials Centers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration in Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems in Chemnitz.
Special Award 2009: Fraunhofer IZM recognizes the achievements of Prof. Bernd Michel, a founding member of the institute.
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