DISCO CORPORATION and Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID introduce new Laser Grooving

At Semicon Japan, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany and DISCO CORPORATION, Japan have agreed to collaborate in the field of laser processing. The worldwide first newest generation fully automatic laser grooving system, will be installed at ASSID of Fraunhofer IZM in Dresden, Germany. The new tool provides the most advanced technology using ultra-short pulse laser engine for ultra-low k dielectric, silicon and metal grooving in dicing streets for the leading edge technology nodes (e.g. 7 nm).
The new laser technology provides very low thermal effects to the grooved side wall, slow ascent side walls, flat kerf buttons as well as minimized recast deposition at the groove edges without causing delamination of the BEOL stack. The new laser system with integrated spinner and coater also provides a laser full cut singulation for silicon wafer thickness up to 100 µm.
Fraunhofer IZM and DISCO provides customer specific development and process evaluation at the Fraunhofer IZM process line for 12” wafer in Dresden, Germany.
Contact information:
Fraunhofer IZM
Technical: Kay Viehweger, Fraunhofer IZM, ASSID,
Phone: +49 351-7955 7253
E-Mail: kay.viehweger@assid.izm.fraunhofer.de
Administration: M.Juergen Wolf, Devision Wafer Level System Integration,
Phone +49-30-46403-606
e-Mail: wolf@izm.fraunhofer.de
Karl Heinz Priewasser, Director DISCO HI-TEC Europe GmbH,
Phone: +49-89-909030
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